Little Red Riding Hood

Born in Sweden, Daniel Egneus has globetrotted to some of the most glamorous locations: Prague, London, Berlin, Bologna, Rome, and Milano. Is he a hunky supermodel or its equivalent Hollywood material? Neither. Daniel Egneus is a genius, visionary artist – a genius because he catapulted to international fame without any formal training and a visionary because apparently the advertising world has appointed him as their visionary representatives. The first time I ran across this marvelous artist was when I was perusing the book section of my local Urban Outfitters store. I literally stumbled upon yet another reinvention of Little Red Riding Hood (fyi: stop leaving books on the floor you illiterate, bumbling buffoons!). As I skimmed through its glossy pages, I was amazed by how all eighty pages kept blossoming into one breathtaking work of art after another. This book is clearly meant as visual eye candy – not for little kiddies who are expecting the cleaned up version as opposed to the original Grimm’s version of Little Red Riding Hood.  Or should I say Little Chic Riding Hood? The entire cast of this fairytale is traipsing through the book as if they were attending a luxurious ball in their lush gowns and feathered hats. Of course I bought the book on the spot and immediately checked out his website. I encourage our readers to check out the video below: The Making of Daniel Egneus’ Red Riding Hood.  It’s always refreshing to see genius at work! Can’t find his book? No worries; just check out the following link:

Sincerely, Aiysha

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