The Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has a long history beginning in China, where it has been used for years to treat all kinds of ailments. Today, many studies have been dedicated to finding the benefits of this highly esteemed drink.  Although some studies would prefer more concrete results, there is no doubt that green tea possesses certain beneficial qualities. First of all, it contains powerful antioxidants that help fight cancer, depression, heart disease, and tooth decay. Green tea can also help lower stress, reduce cholesterol, and increase your metabolism. Although green tea does contain some caffeine, it is not nearly the same amount as a cup of coffee.

Today, green tea has become a popular beverage in the west, where black tea has traditionally been the staple tea. The flavor is not just limited to tea either. You can now try green tea ice cream, smoothies, and even cakes and cupcakes. So take some time to relax and try a cup today.  Just put 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves in an infuser. Steep the leaves in hot (not boiling) water for about 2-3 minutes. Let the tea cool a bit then enjoy!

Sincerely, Saba

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